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February 9th CVAAMS Meeting Recap!

On February 9th, weather enthusiasts and meteorologists once again gathered in person and virtually for our first meeting of 2023! The designated speaker for the evening was Jesse Boardman, who talked about his experience serving as a meteorologist for the United States Air Force and U.S. Army. Mr. Boardman currently works at the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, but still serves in a reserve role with the army.

Important Announcements/Updates:

However, before the presentation could begin, some important club announcements and updates were made. First, our secretary-treasurer Russ Harper read the meeting minutes and provided a treasure's report.

Elections will be held soon, so if you are interested in running, please contact Russ Harper. If you are interested in running for president, you must be a member of the American Meteorological Society.

So far, Richmond International Airport has recorded a measly trace of snow for the winter of 2022-2023, which unfortunately means many of our snowfall contest predictions have been quite off the mark, at least so far. If RIC fails to record any more measurable snow, the winter of 2022-2023 will be tied with 1918-1919 for the least snowy winter on record. Yikes!

It was then time for Jesse Boardman to deliver his presentation! Jesse discussed his family's history of military service, his deployments in various locations around the world, and described what's it like being a meteorologist in the military and the unique responsibilities associated with the position. Some of Jesse's career highlights and notable events include flying in a Blackhawk helicopter, deploying to Guatemala, being stuck in a dust storm for nearly 7 days, and playing a critical role in Operation Inherent Resolve while deployed in the Middle East.

As a side note, the February 9th meeting had near-record attendance with 16 in-person and 4 virtual attendees!

Below are the zoom recording and pictures from the meeting! Our next meeting will be April 6th, we can't wait to see you there!

Zoom Recording:

Passcode: iS1Fr6q=

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